A look at the numbers as of July 29, 2013
To date, we have had 478 experience Dangerous Productions as an audience member. 220 of those people (nearly half!) were attending one of our FREE events!!
The Dangerous Productions fan page has grown from 34 fans to 121 fans since March. During ramped up marketing prior to shows, we are able to reach over 2,000 Facebook members in one day.
The Happy Minnesota Page currently has 226 Fans!
The Happy Minnesota Page currently has 226 Fans!
We now have 127 Followers on Twitter!
Our brand new Instagram account has 57 followers, and this is super fun!!!
Our YouTube account currently has 4 videos on it, and 341 views.
...and here is our audience data!
To date, we have collected data at 6 performances with a total of 246 respondents.
Data totals from Happy Cabaret 336% of our audience was at a Happy Show for the first time.
100% of the audience was patronizing a University Avenue business, and a third of those people were at Que Nha for the first time! One fifth of those in attendance lived in Saint Paul. 25% of our patrons were on Twitter. Only 11% of the respondents had utilized Metro Transit in the the week leading up to Happy Cabaret. |
Year to Date Dangerous DataOn average 35% of audiences are experiencing a Happy Minnesota show for the first time.
76% of the people we attract are patronizing a University Avenue business because our production has brought them to the area, and 50% of those people are patronizing a business they have never discovered before. 20% of our audience members tend to live in Saint Paul. 19% of our audiences social network on Twitter Only 11% of the people attending our shows use Metro Transit once a week or more. |