SKIN at the 2017 Twin Cities Horror Festival
A plastic surgeon offers black women a chance to change their appearance, free of charge. This new horror play cuts into the complexity of black skin in America, and the role white supremacy and privilege have played in making it into a prison. This year, we've partnered up with local Playwright Oya Mae Duchess Davis to create SKIN. This terrifying new production explores themes of racism, colorism, cultural identity, and white privilege, peeling back layers of "Minnesota nice" to reveal a dark underside. Get tickets now! From the Playwright... "The original idea for skin came to me in eighth grade after learning about Ed Gein. I came back to this idea my freshman year of college when me and a friend where talking about a headline for a magazine. "Big butts are in." the cover of the magazine showed a white woman who was sporting a butt that she'd probably payed thousands of dollars for. Women of African descent are born with features like big butts, big lips, wide noses, and darker skin yet they are told these features are ugly by the society we live in. Once they are put on a white woman they are deemed beautiful and desirable. This play explores this idea but in a very grim way. " -Oya Mae Duchess-Davis |
Friday Oct 27th 11:30pm Sunday Oct 29th 8:30pm* Tuesday October 31st at 11:30pm Saturday Nov 4th: 5:30pm Sunday Nov 5th 8:30pm *Friends & Family post-show social at Town Hall on 10/29!
The Cast
The Process
Thanks to all who attended the staged reading held on Sunday, June 25 at the Southern Theater! We received a lot of excellent feedback and are so excited to continue working toward a final product at the 2017 Twin Cities Horror Festival. MORE ABOUT THE SHOW: White privilege and white supremacy are woven into nearly every institution, process, and product in the United States. The country was founded on stolen land, built by slave labor, and continues to oppress people of color in overt and invisible ways. DP has chosen to use the lens of horror to expose the true nature of white privilege, and show the damage it can do not only to people of color, but to the white community as well. This page includes a sampling of the research we're doing as a part of this project. Things we're reading, watching, hearing, and thinking about. Check back often to find updates and feel free to reach out to us on Facebook with any of your own thoughts. #readMonique Judge's article about white fragility and the reasons it's so difficult to engage in a narrative with white people. Find it HERE.
"10 Ways White Supremacy Harms White People". Find it HERE.
White Like Me: Reflections of Race from a Privileged Son, explores racism and privilege through the lens of whiteness. Find it HERE.
"The Sugarcoated Language of White Fragility" by Anna Kegler discusses the way the words we use to describe racism uphold white privilege and foster white fragility. Find it HERE.
TIME Magazine article - "How Three of Donald Trump's Executive Orders Target Communities of Color". Find it HERE.
"The Giant Leap Forward of Jordan Peele's Get Out" by Brandon Harris discusses the struggle and triumph of making the acclaimed horror film. Find it HERE.
made possible thanks to... |
#listenCode Switch, a podcast that discusses race and identity in America, addresses the place of race in horror films. Find it HERE.
On the Media did an excellent radio series about poverty in America. Find it HERE.
NPR interviewed three of the founders of the Black Lives Matter movement in regards to the cultural shift since the movement started three years ago. Find it HERE.
“People who shut their eyes to reality simply invite their own destruction, and anyone who insists on remaining in a state on innocence long after that innocence is dead turns himself into a monster.” -James Baldwin