DP will be creating HAPPY FROGTOWN this winter thanks to a grant from the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation’s Knight Arts Challenge! HAPPY FROGTOWN will bring art, Dangerous Productions-style, to Frogtown through a yearlong series of spontaneous street-level performances and adventurous educational opportunities.!
Projects will include: January: Happy Hot Chocolate- A spontaneous roving hot chocolate and art-filled performance at the coldest time of the year. March: Happy Pi Day- The second annual “Pi Day Cabaret” featuring community performers and artists in an evening of crazy fun. April-May: Happy Who Am I? An extended learning program for Frogtown Youth, exploring and celebrating identity through a variety of artistic mediums and venues July: Happy Ice Cream Truck- A mobile performance of ridiculous slapstick and comedy routines, performing at various locations in Frogtown. September: Happy Comedy- featuring improvisational comedy by Frogtown youth! December: Happy Winter- a mysterious and magical performance on the darkest day of the year... |
sponsored by...The John S. and James L. Knight Foundation’s Knight Arts Challenge funds ideas that engage and enrich St. Paul through the arts.
HAPPY FROGTOWN is also supported by and working towards the work of the Victoria Theater Arts Initiative (VTAI). Over the past several years VTAI has been working to turn a long vacant historic theater near University Avenue and Victoria into a community-owned venue with space for visual and performing arts. Your donation towards this project will help create a stronger, more beautiful community in Frogtown and Summit-University. www.victoriatheater.org
Engaging, Imaginative, Fearless, Accountable
Dangerous Productions exists to improve life with tomorrow's art.
Dangerous Productions exists to improve life with tomorrow's art.